
This blog chronicles our ride across North America. We began on June 14th in Anacortes, Washington, and rode roughly 3400 miles to Portland, Maine, with breaks, over 37 days.

My name is Evan (26) and my father is Dave (60). This was his crazy idea.We have chosen to raise funds for an organization called the FHSSA, which has a new website here.

A donation page has been set up for our trip, on the National Hospice Foundation website

You all have helped us raise $2300 so far, so a big thanks.

If you want to know why we chose this fund, see THIS POST HERE.

If you want to be emailed updates, you can use the "Follow" gadget (on the right, below), as I won't be doing the weekly mass emails that some have come to expect from me. On the flipside, I'll avoid updating you on every cornfield we pass.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Less than Two Weeks...

I know donations are trickling in after talking to some family and friends, which is wonderful, thank you everyone (I'll get some totals from FHSSA soon).

The 'practice run' weekend went well. Dave's 3 day, 198 mile trip had tons of rain, a flat tire in a downpour, and a kind local offered a dry garage to fix it in, but he had no hitches with his gear, which is great. (I'll update this post with his pics/thoughts when I get them).

My ride was 2 days and totaled 162 miles, with rain for about half of it. I weighed my gear when I got home: bike without bags: 30 pounds. with bags: 65 pounds. I'll make some adjustments, but the weight will likely increase for the full ride.

The island route I posted a map of last week was gorgeous, even in the rain, but the return trip down the I-5 corridor into Everett and sprawling towns was terrible; beyond the Skagit Valley I don't recommend this route, especially due to the one foot shoulders across the 529 bridges between Marysville and Everett (a biking map suggested this route).

I was fortunate to stay at an organic farm near Mount Vernon, through an old Camp Reed connection. The stay was quite educational for me, and I encourage anyone who is into farming with a heart check out their site here. They are a newish company, and will be coming down to Seattle weekly for share deliveries. Also, their chickens get a new pen location every 8 hours, which you can't say about any other farm in our area.

I don't expect to have as hearty a breakfast throughout my trip, but I can dream of it. So a big thank you to our hosts for their backyard, discussions, breakfast, and my gigantic sandwich for the ride home. And thanks to Mike and Allison for doing the trek with me.

1 comment:

  1. I heard about your ride via a FHSSA email. It is so inspiring!

    My name is Amanda Pischke and I work for HospiceCare in Madison, WI. Through FHSSA we were paired with Meru Hospice in Meru, Kenya. We have had our partnership for 7 years now. I had the chance to visit last summer and it is amazing to see what a difference the partnership makes. Thank you for supporting FHSSA and the great work that they do!

    I am also a cyclist and would love to meet up and ride a portion of your WI trip with you if it works out! Please let me know when you will be in state. amanda.pischke@gmail.com
