
This blog chronicles our ride across North America. We began on June 14th in Anacortes, Washington, and rode roughly 3400 miles to Portland, Maine, with breaks, over 37 days.

My name is Evan (26) and my father is Dave (60). This was his crazy idea.We have chosen to raise funds for an organization called the FHSSA, which has a new website here.

A donation page has been set up for our trip, on the National Hospice Foundation website

You all have helped us raise $2300 so far, so a big thanks.

If you want to know why we chose this fund, see THIS POST HERE.

If you want to be emailed updates, you can use the "Follow" gadget (on the right, below), as I won't be doing the weekly mass emails that some have come to expect from me. On the flipside, I'll avoid updating you on every cornfield we pass.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

19 days to go...

Less than 3 weeks to go, and our donation page went live a few days ago.

Donate Here.

A few notes on donations: they are tax deductible, matching is available if your employer has it, and you have the option of donating anonymously. FHSSA will share names with me, but not dollar amounts (so we can thank you personally after the trip. Also, the site is encrypted (you'll notice it is the NHF site embedded within the FHSSA site). Questions?

Game plan for this weekend: Dave will be riding from Spokane to Sandpoint (Idaho) for a night, and return the next day to test out his gear and how much food one can eat over 200 miles in 2 days. My mom, Tammy will be meeting him there.

I will be riding from my Ballard (Seattle) to Anacortes to scope out our official starting point. Although I'm attempting to do the 180 miles "unsupported" over saturday/sunday, my good buddies Mike & Allison will join me with a bike & car, and we are sleeping at an organic farm in the area.

see below for the exciting routes.

Finally, I'm long overdue for some pictures. Here are our trainer setups that we've been using since January. (My dad chooses to just listen to music, I try to study or watch tv, based on my sweatiness). Obviously, I've been watching the Giro recap every night.

And this is the map my dad has been drawing on, day by day to emulate/imagine "the ride". I've lost my training notes from March among my lecture slides, so I can't tell who's further along at this point. I'd imagine Dave.

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