
This blog chronicles our ride across North America. We began on June 14th in Anacortes, Washington, and rode roughly 3400 miles to Portland, Maine, with breaks, over 37 days.

My name is Evan (26) and my father is Dave (60). This was his crazy idea.We have chosen to raise funds for an organization called the FHSSA, which has a new website here.

A donation page has been set up for our trip, on the National Hospice Foundation website

You all have helped us raise $2300 so far, so a big thanks.

If you want to know why we chose this fund, see THIS POST HERE.

If you want to be emailed updates, you can use the "Follow" gadget (on the right, below), as I won't be doing the weekly mass emails that some have come to expect from me. On the flipside, I'll avoid updating you on every cornfield we pass.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Small Update

Hello all,

A few people have asked where we are or if we're okay. We will hit Fargo, North Dakota tomorrow, after waking at four am here in Cooperstown.

The reason for the early start is that we have been punched repeatedly in the face by this fair state, and we are going to take it down as quick as possible before we let it ruin another afternoon. Tomorrow will be day five of the Fullers versus the wind, and I have plenty to say about the great little towns we've stayed at and the wonderful people we've been able to share a few words with, but this evening I must rest my mitts.

A preview: yesterday, Wednesday, my father declared "I have never done a more strenuous 8 hours of exercise than today. It trumps a marathon, it rivals doing a marathon and then running up a mountain (the Climb a Mountain solo race in Spokane), but it's less than going out for a 28 miler without training or proper hydration (he was 26 and naive)."

Gusts hit 40 mph from the Southeast. We traveled South, East or both, for the duration of the 8 hours of saddle time. (the top map is incorrect, we were in Rugby, the geographic center of America when we started down.)

Grandpa Fuller has requested more pictures, so I'll do my best this weekend!

Happy fourth.


  1. Hey guys,
    Waiting for you here in WI, happy trails and look forward to MN and then the great state of WI.
    Leon Wallander

  2. You two ROCK.. ..keep it up! Cant wait to hear all the fun stories when you get back.
    Kevin & Lisa Smith
