
This blog chronicles our ride across North America. We began on June 14th in Anacortes, Washington, and rode roughly 3400 miles to Portland, Maine, with breaks, over 37 days.

My name is Evan (26) and my father is Dave (60). This was his crazy idea.We have chosen to raise funds for an organization called the FHSSA, which has a new website here.

A donation page has been set up for our trip, on the National Hospice Foundation website

You all have helped us raise $2300 so far, so a big thanks.

If you want to know why we chose this fund, see THIS POST HERE.

If you want to be emailed updates, you can use the "Follow" gadget (on the right, below), as I won't be doing the weekly mass emails that some have come to expect from me. On the flipside, I'll avoid updating you on every cornfield we pass.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Picture Catch Up...2 Weeks of Driving Steel

All pictures can be clicked to zoom in.

We had recently changed our route to go to northern Wisconsin but we just switched it back again, for long-winded reasons. We will cross Lake Michigan on Friday. On a boat.

We laid down 370 miles in 3 days, so we're beat and I haven't been doing any late night writing. Tonight a local man strong-armed us into sleeping at his house. His shirt reads, "life is good."


The Clark Fork River @ the Idaho/Montana Border. Father's Day, 2010.

East of West Glacier, MT.

This might become a pattern, if the view is nice. Flathead River, MT.

Essex, Montana.

Read the sign, all down hill from here.

Working Man's wash.

Needs love, couldn't pull it. Montana.

Riding the "Hi-Line". Montana.

My mother would likely steal this, Montana.

Jump right in kids. (see the 'nowhere' montana post)

The crazy family of five and their machines.

Wandering from our map, west of Kallispell, MT.

The Glacier Buggy, Montana

Dave composed this one well. love the lines.

Stopped to Watch the USA lose out of the World Cup.

Near the Missouri River, Eastern Montana.

Three, oh three, it's the magic number.

Digging for Fire.

I want this building, Western North Dakota

Modelling the Wind.

Cheesy Sunsets, free camping in city park, North Dakota.

Lucky catch, I was just trying to shoot the bend of the reeds to show wind power.


Cooperstown City Park, ND.

Sunrise from Highway 2, Cooperstown, ND. (We're already riding) July 2nd.

Creeper. July 2nd, somewhere in North Dakota.

Obligatory Fargo Pic, July 3rd.

Our gracious hosts for our rest day in Fargo, John & Amanda. July 4th.

One of those birds is real. July 5th, Minnesota

It tore through my brake pad too.

Took some searching...one of ten thousand, minnesota.

Don't fall in love with every barn you see. west wisconsin. July 6th.

On the 12, a few miles from Eau Claire, WI. July 6.

Eau Claire, from the Cameron Street Bridge. July 6th.

Gizmo, my sleeping buddy, morning of July 7th. Eau Claire. Thanks Seth & Nicole!

Stopped for curds at a cheese factory, Wisconsin. July 7th.

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